Thank You Ward 1

Thank you to each and every one of you
For being by my side and pulling me through
I remember some of you from the past
Those memories always seem to last

You made me smile when I wanted to cry
You made me feel safe when I wanted to die
You were always there with a listening ear
Offering advice when I shed a tear

I’m sorry for breaking so many chairs
For breaking the door, what a state of affairs
You’d always remain calm; we would talk it out
PRN and soothing words helped me, no doubt

I’m sorry if I scared patients and staff
I would have preferred to make people laugh
But you always stuck by me through it all
Forgiving and comforting, making the right call

So “thank you” ward 1, you are all ace
You really do make this a better place
Keep doing what you’re doing as you make it a success
Helping us patients sort out all our mess

Good luck for the future to all of you
I hope you’ll succeed in everything you do