On My Own
I’m alone in the house on a Friday night
Apart from me and Poppy, there’s no-one in sight
I need to stay strong, not listen to the voice
I can work on distractions, I do have a choice
I spoke to my mum who was in tears on the phone
She misses my dad, I listened to her groan
I wish I could do more, but I don’t know what to do
Reassure her? Listen? I just don’t have a clue
Andy’s gone to his mates to shoot some pool
I hope he wins money, that would be cool
He’s only been gone for an hour, I’m struggling already
Trying to decide what to do, but I’m feeling unsteady
I have so many emotions going on in my head
Although it’s only 7.30 maybe I should go to bed
I don’t think I’ll ever be totally free
Confused and exhausted, that is the real me
I’m seeing dark figures in front of my eyes
They’re just watching me in their own disguise
Who are they? What do they want from me?
Should I talk to them? Would that set me free?
Should I do what the voice is telling me to do?
I don’t think I’m going to see the night through
Just do what it wants at the end of the day
I’m too tired to fight it, I just need to obey