
After thirty years of turmoil and hell
I eventually picked up the courage to tell
I found it hard talking about things
Feelings of shame and all that it brings

I could feel myself losing my mind
Although the detectives seemed friendly and kind
I gave as much information as I could
I did clam up, I knew I would
At last the interview came to a close
I did feel slightly lifted I suppose

The investigation took two long years
Throughout this time I shed a few tears
The feelings of feeling dirty and blue
I wasn’t sure if I’d make it through

Eventually the police got back in touch
They had done everything they could as such
“Not enough evidence” is what they said
This really did mess with my head

I guess after all this time it would be so
If only I’d reported it years ago
Maybe the outcome would not have been the same
And I wouldn’t have to keep living with the shame

I think he knew I would fall for the bait
He was right, I just shouldn’t have been late
Then this wouldn’t have happened, I’d have been happy and free
There’s only one person to blame and that’s me