
The voice won’t stop going round and round
Not nice to listen to, an awful sound
Sometimes they’re quiet, but mostly they’re loud
Hovering in my head like a dark grey cloud

I need to let someone know straight away
That the voice is creeping in, wanting me to play
If I leave it too late, there’s no going back
It feels like a train on a runaway track

I do what it wants so it’s happy for a bit
But then it does come back, I must admit
So, I need to find skills to make it go
My usual techniques aren’t always working though

Nip it in the bud before it’s too late
Tell staff, family, or even call a mate
I still deserve the crap it’s giving me
I am not sure I will ever be free

I really don’t think I have the energy anymore
Is there an end to this? I’m not so sure